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My Stick Family from

Michael & I

Michael & I

Me and my daddy's

Me and my daddy's
Daneil, I & Brent

Monday, April 12, 2010

Transfer Date been pushed back

Last Saturday I was told by the RE nurse. That the egg donor retrieval will be on Tuesday. Then this morning. NEFI nurse called me. The retrieval date been pushed back to Thursday. I am to begin my progesterone on  Wed. morning. 3X a day for the next 20 days.
So early Sunday morning Michael and I flying out to NY. Monday morning we all go to my transfer. Then I am on bedrest. Early Wed. morning Michael and I are flying back.
I can't wait for this part to be over. Then we can all focus on the joys of the pregnancy.

Side note: I am still having signs of pregnancy due to the meds I am on. It's so wierd and I know it's not in my head. But once the baby or babies are in me.  The dizzness, nausea and being tired, ect. will make since. You know what I mean.. I continue to push through my day.
My  IF's are so wonderful and patient through these set backs. Michael just the most amazing BF. My Mom and J are helping with the emtional hormonal part.  Till next time.....

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